Ausome Karma Services
AKS is a social club and coaching services firm specifically designed to provide growth for teens & young adults living with Autism or other Neurodiverse challenges
Skills To Reach Independence & Versatility Everyday
Weekly Life Skills Program through the Art of Cooking
Weekly program, Wednesday evening
We will be cooking a variety of dinner meals
Location: North York
Maximum of 8 participants
Teaching critical skills through fun and socialization
Practical Life Skills:
Shopping, money, measurements, social, basic math, handling
Kitchen equipment, sequencing, planning, executive functioning
Emotional Well Being/ Mindfulness skills:
Social (with peers and adults), Educational (see above)
Life skills to support advancement to independence:
Home and outside, retail, shopping, money handling, critical life skills.
5:00pm: plan the night
(set up menu, job assignments, shopping tasks, who is doing what, roles for cooking etc)
5:30pm – 6:30pm: shopping (each person will purchase their required groceries - paid by Karma)
6:30pm - 7:00pm: prep/cooking (each participant will be involved in all stages of prep and cooking)
7:00pm - 8:00pm: eating and clean up
8:00pm - 9:00pm: social (games, discussions etc)
Note on Covid: Must be fully vaccinated
Kitchen skills
Cutting -how to handle a knife
Mincing -holding and slicing the food
Boiling water -proper amount H20 & watching to ensure it safe
Kitchen Equipment handling
Safety awareness -moving around thekitchen and stove
Proper handling of food - food safety
How to use the oven -on/off temperature
How to use the stove -on/off & watching
Life skills
Visiting the grocery store
Picking out the groceries
Using money /Paying for the groceries
Healthy choices and eating
Interacting with others

This program was recently featured on CityNews Toronto